Menthol is a chemical naturally found in peppermint and other mint plants. It’s also made in labs for use in different foods, medications, health items, and tobacco products. It’s one of the most popular flavors added to tobacco. Most people who smoke start with menthol cigarettes, and almost 9 out of 10 African Americans who smoke or vape use menthol products.
While the tobacco industry uses menthol to make their products seem less harmful, tobacco products aren’t safer with menthol. Inhaling menthol while smoking or vaping creates a cool feeling, reducing pain and irritation in the airway. It also decreases coughing and gives the illusion of improved breathing while smoking.
Menthol use can lead to several health issues in both men and women, especially for those dealing with fertility problems, bone and teeth issues, diabetes, heart disease, and various cancers. The FDA and CDC advise against using menthol tobacco, as it’s more addictive and harder to quit than non-menthol products.